The Effectiveness of Recognition and Counting Strategies Instruction on the Improvement of Number Foundational Skills At Risk of Mathematic Difficulties in Pre-Schoolers

Document Type : Original Article



Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of counting and recognition strategies instruction on the number skill of children at risk of math problems in pre-schoolers. Methods: The research method was a quasi-experimental design with two experimental and control groups with pretest and posttest tests. The statistical population of the study consisted of pre-primary school students aged between 3 and 6 years old, who were trained in kindergartens and preschools in the district of Tehran. The participants were randomly selected from cluster randomly from 4 regions of the region to 90 people and were divided into experimental and control groups (ages 3, 4 and 5 in each group of 15). Of the 3 numerical knowledge tests, the Jordanian sense of number and number recognition were used to identify 90 children at risk for mathematical problems. Experimental groups were subjected to countless counting and number recognition strategies for 4 weeks each week in two 45-minute sessions. The results were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The total value of the Jordan number sense test, and the number recognition was P<0/05.Conclusion: Training counting and recognition strategies has been very effective in improving the skills number of children with math problems and will play a proactive role in future math disorders. Strategies instruction of counting and number recognizing of the children with math difficulties will have a preventive role in future math disorders.


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