Evaluating effectiveness of the life quality promotion program on marital satisfaction among parents of diabetic children and children’s glycated hemoglobin

Document Type : Original Article



Aim: Families with type one diabetes children have multiple problems and challenges, such as reduced quality of life and marital satisfaction. The aim of this study was evaluating effectiveness of life quality promotion program on marital satisfaction among parents of diabetic children and children’s glycated hemoglobin. Methods: This research method was in semi- experimental methodology with pre- test, post-test plan with control group. statistical sample was 30 parents and their diabetic children that they were selected using random sampling methods from Tehran Diabetes Association and were randomly assigned in experimental and control groups. Experimental group received quality of life training for 10 sessions in 2 hours. The tool used in this research was Afrooz Marital Satisfaction Scale and child blood test. The data was analyzed by multi variate analysis of covariance using software SPSS. Results: The results showed average post-test in both experimental and control groups were significantly different. The experimental group mean scores significantly higher than the control group, which indicated a positive impact of the life quality promotion program in marital satisfaction. The highest and lowest amount of effect was related to marital satisfaction (effect size: 74) and free time (effect size: 33). There was no significant difference between mean score of children’s glycated hemoglobin. Conclusion: Training program on quality of life significantly contributed to raising parental marital satisfaction so to improve the quality of life and marital satisfaction in families of children with diabetes is recommended. However, given the lack of effect of this intervention on child’s blood glucose level, it seems that educational interventions are more effective in this regard.


افروز، غلامعلی (
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