Comparison of General Health and Aggression in Mothers of Children with Asthma and Mothers of Children with Behavioral Disorder

Document Type : Original Article



Aim: The purpose of the present study was to comparing general health and aggression in mothers of children with asthma and mothers of children with behavioral disorder. Methods: The present research was a causal-comparative research. The study population included of mothers of children with asthma and mothers of children with behavioral disorder in Tehran city. 132 mothers aged 27-40 years participated in this study. They were divided into two groups and each group contains 66 mothers. First group were selected from mothers of children with asthma and second group were selected from mothers of children with behavioral disorder by convenient sampling method. The instruments of this research were general health questionnaire of Goldberg & Hiller (1979) and aggression questionnaire of Buss & Perry (1992). Data were analyzed by MANOVA. Results: findings showed that general health and somatic symptoms in mothers of children with asthma were significantly more than the mothers of children with behavioral disorder (P>0.05). Also, aggression, anxiety, social dysfunction, depression in mothers of children with asthma were significantly less than the mothers of children with behavioral disorder (P>0.05). Conclusion: General health in mothers of children with asthma was more than the mothers of children with behavioral disorder. Also, their aggression was less than the others. Therefore, both groups had significant difference in general health and aggression.
