Effectiveness of Cognitive Computer Games on Risky Decision making in Children with Externalizing Behavioral Disorders

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA Personality Psychology, Karaj Branch , Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran

2 MA Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology , Payame Noor University, Varamin, Iran

3 MA Curriculum Planning, Department of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

4 MA. Rehabilitation Management, Department of Rehabilitation, University of Rehabilitation Sciences and Social Health, Tehran, Iran.


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of group play therapy on the social skills of children with autism. The present study was quasi-experimental pre-post-test with a control group. The statistical population of study was all girls, and boys aged 6 to 10 years with autism who were children of Aftab in the city of Quds in the academic year 2019-2020 (42 people). Available and randomly selected by lottery in two groups of control (n = 12) and experimental (n = 12). The experimental group underwent group play therapy training in 10 sessions of 60 minutes per week for 2 sessions per week, but the control group did not participate in any training classes during this period. Gilliam's Autism Questionnaire (GARS) and Stone et al.'s Social Skills Assessment (TSSA) were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22, and multivariate analysis of covariance. The findings demonstrated that the experimental group's mean in social skills, including its components (ability to start engaging with others, ability to continue connection with others, and capacity to react to others), was greater than that of the control group (p  0.01). Based on the results of study, group play therapy was effective in social skills and its components in children with autism spectrum disorder.


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