Comparing the Psychological characteristics of elite schoolchildren, students, and graduates under the support of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in psychology of exceptional children, Science and Research Department, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences. Faculty of Humanities and Social ,Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran

3 Department of Psychology . Faculty of psychology and Educational Science University of Tehran, Tehran , Iran



Aim: This study aimed to compare the psychological characteristics of elite schoolchildren, students and graduates supported by the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee. Methods: The field research method was used to conduct this applied research. During the 2005-2007 period, 350 people were randomly selected from the statistical population of 4,000 schoolchildren, students and graduates under the auspices of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee. The tool used was Aaron Temkin Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) (1990). To describe the data, descriptive statistical tables, graphs, and indicators such as frequency, mean, standard deviation, etc. were used and SPSS 23 and then, inferential statistics were used to analyze subjects’ psychological characteristics. Results: A comparison of the demographic results of the subjects with the results of related research showed that there is no significant difference in the subjects’ psychological characteristics (Sig> 0.05 ). There was a difference between the groups in terms of cognitive evaluation based on the Beck Depression Inventory. The proportion of depressed people in schoolchildren was higher than among students. There was no difference between the groups in terms of anxiety, and in all three groups, most people are normal. Conclusion: The practical results show the need for a fundamental review and strengthening of the quantity and quality of support programs and the manner of academic guidance required by the elite community under the auspices of support organizations.
Keywords: Elite, psychological characteristics, supported
